Published by Katiuscia Mizokami in April 27 2022
Sketches and keyframes: IRRA’s 11 years timeline
Sketches and keyframes: IRRA’s 11 years timeline
The routine inside an animation studio is pure adrenaline. Meeting, briefing, scripts, storyboard, animation, sound design, approval and deliver – not necessarily in that order and, sometimes, all at the same time. In 2022, IRRA has completed 11 years of existence and after telling so many different stories, for clients of every business branch, today we are here to tell you a bit of our story.
It is undeniable that, in the past two years, it was a bit different from what we were used to. But we adapted. Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemics we adopted home office to ensure health and safety of our collaborators and their families and it worked out great!
All new around here
And it was not only the work mode that we changed. In order for that date to make history, we decided to radicalize. For celebrating our 11th anniversary, we have everything new: website, reels, visual identity and institutional communication.
We even launched new Instagram stickers. Have you used one yet? Check out the GIFS and search for “irrastudio”.
In constant motion
Believe us when we say we are always in motion. We always like to travel around different ideas and productions. And everything is so fascinating that we thought: why not to show a little bit of this “trip” of ours to everyone?
For that, we have been developing a motion about our production method. It will be much more than just a video on “how we do it”. It will show that IRRA not only produces videos, but IRRAwesome videos, with that “something more” that everyone is looking for.
It is about a way of helping clients to understand the steps in our project planning and how they are a part in all of it.
We are also working on our new institutional motion and manifesto! 2022 is a promising year!!!
Hundreds of animations and thousands of stories
In 11 years, we had the pleasure to meet and work with many people. There were uncountable projects and challenges that helped us molding IRRA’s essence. Today, looking back, we dare to say we would not like to change anything in that plot. Each point was fundamental for us to be who we are.
Each video created could, easily, be a chapter of our biography. In the end, it is our in our daily work that we write each line of this IRRAwesome story. That’s why we are thankful to all of our clients, collaborators, friends and partners.
In special, we would like to say a big thank you to all the collaborators and freelancers, that made difference in each project and never let the render stop, even in a pandemic! You are awesome.
There will be many more animations and good stories to tell
Along these 11 years we could gather much knowledge, always aiming at broadening our horizons with new stories, visions and ways of thinking. And there is yet a lot to happen.
That’s why we are investing constantly in studies, so that we can offer always the best solutions to our clients. In the 2021/2022 period, for instance, our investments in courses and consulting were 70% greater than in the previous period.
And for the new techniques to be improved, we are developing original illustration and motion projects that serve as base for study. The result can be evidenced in each new finished work!
We are improving our internal processes and communication strategies seeking constant evolution for obtaining the best results in our projects.
We have turned another page, among so many others to come. For now, what we can say for sure is that there is much more to come. Many more animations and good stories for us to continue always in motion. IRRAAAA!
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300 Ayrton Senna AvenueTower I #501
Gleba Palhano
Londrina PR - Brazil
+55 43 3342-1395 hello@irrastudio.com