Published by Sarah Ribeiro in April 30 2021
IRRA 10 years: know the story behind the screen
We are completing 10 years and we have commented a little on this post about changes we made for celebrating the date. In this post, we are telling you a little about our story, about how we left – literally – from a backyard to conquer the world, becoming the main motion graphics studio in the North of Paraná and a reference in the sector.
Our story begun in an unpretentious way, as a hobby. Back then, IRRA’s Director José Marcus (UZe) was a Multimedia Visual Arts student and already liked making videos for fun.
As it was a small class, the same colleagues always gathered for group assignments, and it was in one of these homework gatherings that, in 2010, the name IRRA arose. The name caught up and by the end of 2010 they began to work on the first projects, aiding in video production for other groups in their end of course works. They got enthusiastic and bought some equipment.
In 2011, UZe and another partner, Dilan, decided to officially found the company in the backyard of UZe’s parents house.
The turning point was when, in 2014, Kroton became IRRA’s client.
“We already provided service for Unopar when Kroton purchased it and they invited us to participate in a bid for a large project. We were the only countryside company and were able to win against large studios from São Paulo. It was really demanding, we worked overnight, but the payment and learning opportunity in this project allowed us to evolve, change to a larger place, increase the size of the team and buy new equipment.” (UZe, Director, IRRA Studio)
Some years later, in 2017, the partnership was dissolved and UZe became the only owner.
People who made history
Along these 10 years, several people collaborated with IRRA, as partners, service providers or collaborators. There were so many people who helped us that it would be unfair to try mentioning every name, but one we would like to highlight: the musician Marco Tureta. He was with IRRA since the beginning performing and excellent work, but passed away in the beginning of 2020, making our lives sadder.
Along these 10 years, we always aimed at aggregating a diversity of views and ways of thinking. This contributed to IRRA in building a differential and standing out, and we believe it is also what is propelling us beyond.
In these 10 years we never stopped! This path is the fuel for us to keep in motion improving ourselves to offer the best solutions.
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300 Ayrton Senna AvenueTower I #501
Gleba Palhano
Londrina PR - Brazil
+55 43 3342-1395 hello@irrastudio.com